Independent schools – unique broadband requirements.
High-quality broadband is of great importance in all schools but, within an independent school setup, the additional pressures of independent schools only make this all the more vital.
Independent schools generally have smaller class sizes and fewer pupils. Offering more 1-2-1 time for pupils and teachers compared to state-funded schools, Independent Schools set themselves apart and therefore require the systems to support this different way of working. With many independent schools also offering boarding options, from a broadband perspective this has a huge impact on requirement for great connectivity.
Fewer pupils means fewer users in total using the internet connection, so why would this increase the broadband requirement? The primary reason is that broadband could be in use at all hours of the day; used long into the evenings due to boarders needing to access the network to complete homework or for leisure. Boarding also means that there is a wider range of devices and more private devices which can increase the risk of security threats and lead to additional strain on the wider school broadband network.
Given the above, improved protection and filtering are required as pupils using broadband in their free time could have the opportunity to visit inappropriate sites if software is not configured properly, or does not have the capability to defend against the increase volume of searches. So, what can you do to defend against this?
Broadband and security solutions with IcyTea
Exceptional speeds, superior security, enhanced filtering. Here at IcyTea, we can provide all of this for the best price.
As an independent school, you will want to stand out from the crowd to be able to attract the best possible pupils to your school. To do this you need to compete with other independent schools on aspects such as results and facilities, and in today modern age those facilities also include having the best possible broadband. This is where we can offer a range of packages to suit!
IcyTea will create a tailored solutions that bests suits your school’s needs
As specialists in the field of school broadband, we have the perfect solutions to the independent school situation.
To find out more please get in touch and we will help however possible.